The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is an inspiring tale about a young girl's journey to learning about who her mother is. Her journey begins with her father, and the horrible living conditions she's in. One aspect that fascinates her are the honeybees that come into her room at night. Her stand in mother, Rosaleen, gets into some trouble when she tries to register to vote. Lily breaks her out of jail and they head to Tiburon, the name of a town written on the back of a picture of Mary that once belonged to Lily's mother. She recognizes the image on a jar of honey at a store, and the storekeeper tells her about the Boatwright sisters, who make the honey. She stays with them, knowing that they had some connection with her mother. While she stays with the sisters, referred to as the "Calendar sisters" because of their names, she learns that she doesn't need her biological mother to experience the love of a mother.
One of my favorite summer reads! Be careful when you are critiquing not to turn it into a summary.