In the 1990s, millions of Americans dedicated their hours watching someone else's drama. The trial of OJ Simpson was the focus of many American lives. This single trial caused such a racial controversy - as the judges announced the verdict in favor of Simpson (the trial was to determine whether he killed his wife or not - and his wife was Caucasian while he was African-American), the two races separated to different sides of the room. Albom further describes the effects of this single trial - from not being able to trust the police to attorneys taking cases in hopes of becoming famous.
I agree with Albom's idea. A single action can affect many lives years after it's been "forgotten". Take for example, the terrorist attack on September eleventh. Since then, those with an Arab background are seen as suspicious - some people refuse to trust them because of what people of the same religion did many years ago. What we do now affects what happens years from now, which affects what happens years from then.
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