I'd like to meet a child who has not read and loved The Roly-Poly Puppy. What makes this book so lovable to small children? I personally think it is because of the "roly-poly" in the title. Hearing this phrase brings a smile to most people who hear it, even if they don't want to admit it right away. So what makes the phrase "roly-poly" sound so gosh darn adorable? It's a word that can relate to fat, chubby, and even obese, all of which are words that we sometimes cringe at hearing. Roly-poly is a phrase that we've been familiar with from a young age, and with that phrase we've related it to another positive being, a puppy. Other words have been associated with negative subjects; like "unhealthy", "ugly", and "diseased".
Roly-poly, on the other hand, is not used in the medical field, so it has no association with anything that has to do with the concept of unhealthiness. It has sounded and will always sound like one of the cutest phrases a child could say.
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